
Create The Perfect Marilyn Monroe Style Bedroom

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Marilyn Monroe is an icon that has been adored by millions of people for decades. Her style is timeless and classic, and her look has been replicated by countless admirers. But why not go one step further and create a Marilyn Monroe inspired bedroom? Whether you’re a fan of Marilyn Monroe, or just someone looking for a unique and stylish bedroom, this guide will show you how to create the perfect Marilyn Monroe bedroom.

Choose the Right Colors

The colors of Marilyn Monroe’s bedroom are iconic. Red and black are the colors most associated with her, and they are the colors you should use to create your Marilyn Monroe bedroom. Red is a bold and fiery color, perfect for creating a dramatic look. Black is a deep and mysterious color, perfect for creating a more subtle and sophisticated look. You can use these colors in the walls, furniture, and accessories.

Create a Focal Point

When creating your Marilyn Monroe bedroom, it’s important to create a focal point. This could be a stunning piece of art of Marilyn Monroe, or a large piece of furniture such as a bed or dresser. This should be the centerpiece of your room and will help to draw attention to your Marilyn Monroe bedroom. It’s also a nice touch to add a few Marilyn Monroe inspired accents in the room, such as a lamp or a throw pillow with her signature on it.

Add Some Sparkle

Marilyn Monroe was known for her glamorous style, so why not add some sparkle to your Marilyn Monroe bedroom? You can do this by adding some glittery accessories, such as lamps, rugs, and wall art. You can also add some sequinned pillows and throws, or use some metallic paint to give the room a shimmering touch. Whatever you choose, it’s sure to add some glamour to your Marilyn Monroe bedroom.

Pick the Right Furniture

When it comes to furniture, it’s important to pick pieces that fit with the style of your Marilyn Monroe bedroom. Choose furniture that is classic and timeless, such as a vintage-style bed or dresser. You can also add some modern pieces, such as a sleek nightstand or a modern armchair. Just remember to keep the colors consistent with your theme.

Add Some Accents

Accents are a great way to personalize your Marilyn Monroe bedroom. Hang some Marilyn Monroe inspired art on the walls, or add some glamour with a few sparkly accessories. You can also add some vintage-style knickknacks and trinkets to give the room an eclectic feel. Whatever you choose, just make sure it fits with the overall look and feel of the room.

Lighting Matters

Lighting is an important element of any room, and it’s especially important in a Marilyn Monroe bedroom. You want to be sure to have enough light so that you can see everything in the room, but also enough to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Choose lighting that is in keeping with the style of your room, such as vintage-style lamps or modern sconces. You can also add a few accent lights to create a nice ambiance.

Create the Perfect Marilyn Monroe Bedroom

Creating the perfect Marilyn Monroe bedroom is all about combining the right colors, furniture, and accents. Choose colors like red and black that reflect her iconic style. Create a focal point with a stunning piece of art or furniture. Add some sparkle with glittery accessories, and choose furniture that is classic and timeless. Finally, don’t forget to add some lighting to create a cozy atmosphere. By following these tips, you’ll be able to create a Marilyn Monroe bedroom that you’ll love for years to come.

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